Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Mindfulness Videos

 This week instead of more and more information...which is helpful...but we all need a break, I want to share some mindfulness videos.

If you are like me, you get annoyed with how many hours your children can spend watching YouTube. And in my house it isn't a single video I would enjoy. Today I want to share with you some YouTube videos that can help calm and relax your children, and you too. I love mindfulness apps, videos, etc. 

I have a few YouTube channels that are great to utilize for mindfulness with students and adults of all ages.

One is called Fablefy

Fablefy is full of wonderful mindful meditations to follow. I am including a direct link below to an easy to follow mindfulness.

Balloon Breathing

The next channel is Mind Yeti

Mind Yeti has nice, short, and cute mindfulness activities you can follow while looking at some cute yetis. 

Gratitude Mind Yeti

A new one I discovered this week is Wonder Grove Kids

This resource has more than mindfulness. It has lessons posted weekly that could help with a variety of topics for students. Below is a link to a breathing lesson.

Breathe and Relax

Rocket Kids is another great way to provide lessons for your children. This channel helps with social emotional learning.

Know Your Emotions is a great episode to help your student recognize and identify feelings.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Emotionally Intelligent


Scientists have found that our IQ is mostly inflexible. EQ (or our emotional intelligence) is flexible. We can use growing EQ to fill in where we aren't strong with IQ.

Emotional Intelligence is reading and reacting to social and emotional cues. EI is social skills and empathy. 

Studies have found that when a student is emotionally engaged they are more likely to be engaged in a topic, even a topic they do not enjoy.

At school we often utilize Inner Explorer to help with Social Emotional Learning and Mindfulness. You can use it too.

Inner Explorer was recently given a grant to provide a FREE app for families. Inner Explorer @ Home is the App for Inner Explorer on the go. You can also connect with teachers for a link to the full program we use.

I have been working on studying more and more SEL, positive psychology, and well-being. These are passions of mine, for myself, the staff, and your students. I know the personal benefits of a daily gratitude list. I feel more at peace, calmer, happier, and ready to meet the challenges of the day. Metta Loving-kindness meditation mindfulness helps me focus my mind and heart on the positives for all, even with those I am not getting along well. 

Emotional Intelligence teaches children a language to utilize to identify emotions in themselves and others. We previously reviewed the Mood Meter. Use it at home to help talk about feelings and emotions. Studies show that the simple act of naming an emotion can calm an emotion and help focus the brain. 

Another great way to disrupt an overwhelming emotion is with deep belly breaths. Try it your self. Breathe in deep through your nose to your belly. Hold it in as long as comfortably possible. Slow release the breath through your mouth. Engage in this activity 6-9 times. Your brain will turn off the Amygdala and turn on the Prefrontal Cortex. You will go from emotion driven to logic oriented. 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

  May is Mental Health Awareness Month. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1 out of 6 youth experience mental health cond...